The Olympic Games, Asian Games and various individual world championships have awarded the winners with gold, silver and bronze medals. However, long ago, the winners in the sports competitions were rewarded with a circle of osmanthus twigs, or "laurel." In 1465, a gold medal was awarded to the winner of the triple jump event at a fun fair held in Zurich, Switzerland. This may be the first time the winner has not been given a "laurel." The winner of the first Olympic Games in 1895 received such a "laurel."
It was not until 1907 that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) officially decided to award the gold medals, silver medals and bronze medals to the winners of the Olympic Games at the Executive Committee held in The Hague, the Netherlands, and began implementation at the 4th London Olympic Games.
Since the 8th Paris Olympics in 1924, the International Olympic Committee has further made the following supplementary decision: In addition to awarding medals, the winners also issued certificates (certificates).
It was decided to make specific provisions for the design and production of gold medals, silver medals and bronze medals: the diameters of medals for the first, second and third prizes shall be no less than 60 mm and a thickness of 3 mm. Among them, the medals of the first prize (gold medal) and second prize (silver medal) are made of silver, the purity (silver content) is not less than 92.5%, and the surface of the first medal medal (gold medal) is plated with at least 6 grams of pure gold. These regulations have been used since the 9th Amsterdam Olympic Games in 1928.